Experimental Dater Twenty-Five – Faithful

Keen-eyed readers will notice The Tinderellas have disappeared from the blog, making the Faithful One Dater Twenty-Five, not Twenty-Six.  Unfortunately last night I got an emergency email from the girls saying one of their bosses had found out about their Tinder sex blog, and they’d been forced to delete everything, as well as their involvement with 30 Dates.

So I’m still on the hunt for someone to write candidly about sex and dating …

But for now – it’s time to introduce Faithful

Miss Twenty-Nine xxx


Blog name: Faithful

Age: 29…!

Relationship status: Single

Sexuality: Straight female

Religion: Christian

Height: 5’10”

Job: Charity media

Education: MA Cantab

Hobbies: I love a good book, love a good cook, and get addicted to US TV shows (Breaking Bad, 24, Lost, Scandal) and trashy British TV (*cough* Made-in-Chelsea-and-TOWIE)

Ideal partner: Tall man who wants to change the world while having the ability to make me laugh till I cry.

Longest relationship: One year

Why you think you’re single: I don’t think there’s any particular reason why some people are single and some people aren’t because it implies there *must* be something wrong with singletons. Just haven’t met the right person yet!

Good relationship traits: I give a lot and am very caring.

Bad relationship traits: I give a lot and end up being a bit of a doormat.

How would you describe the way you date? I love people and love talking and getting to know people – so straightforward coffee, drinks or dinner is best for me: somewhere you can hear each other talk.

What do you find most attractive in a date? Great vocabulary, with a few puns thrown in. Don’t laugh! I’m a sucker for words. Also – height.

What do you find least attractive in a date? Someone who just talks about themselves. Or someone who’s rude to bar staff or waiters.

Best ever date: A walking tour of street art in the East End. That was cool and different. But the best dates are the ones where there’s non-stop chat and lots of laughter.

Worst ever date: The one where I couldn’t get a word in edgeways. Or the one with Mr Control Freak.

Celebrity crushes: Eric Cantona, of course.

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